When we first began, we had to raise funds to help people and we did this by carrying out fundraising collections in shopping centres and supermarkets. After years of doing this, my colleague and Trustee of the charity Roger Wall suggested opening a charity shop and so the first shop was opened in Thornbury, it was a small shop, but a good way to see how things went. The shop was a success and so when a shop became available in St Mary Street in Thornbury. Because the Hard work that Roger, Christine and the volunteers had done, we opened a second shop just one shop up from the existing one and so we opened the shop to sell mainly used furniture, pictures, ornaments, music centres, and other electrical goods.
Both shops have run very well, but because it has become difficult to get volunteers we decided to close the lower shop and have now completely revamped, taken down the back wall to extend the top shop and have completed re-decorated and fitted new carpet. We have new display shelves, lighting and shop signage. We recently reopened shop and comments from customer have been excellent.
We sell, clothes, electrical goods, ornaments, furniture, wheelchairs, walking frames and useful things for the home.
We are in urgent need of more clothes especially ladies sizes 8 to 16 please. Come into the shop or call us, Thank you very much🙂
Please come and see us and sure you will be impressed. If you would like to donated any of the above things for us to sell, please call on 01454 418144 and we can collect larger items. You can also contact Roger on 07931579987
MS Peoples Help - Home & Garden
We offer a much used service and build wheelchair ramps, repair fencing, do general gardening, decorating and many other jobs for people you have Multiple Sclerosis (MS).
Aswell as the service we offer have also made donations to the leading BrAMS Centre at Southmead Hospital. Doctor Cottrell thanked us for our help and the funds will go help people with the illness. BrAMS offer New existing and new Treatments, Drug trials, Research, a team off leading Specialist Consultant Doctors, MS Specialist Nurses, Physiotherapist and a Psychologist. a big thank you to all donate items to our charity and to those of you who buy at the shops.
Christine Wall, Shop Manager and Trustee, along with some of our fantastic volunteers, organised another brilliant summer event, a 50's/60's Rock & Roll event, which took place outside our two charity shops. There was a Rock an Roll band and people danced, our volunteers dressed up in the period clothes and they looked great. We had a popcorn machine and a kids merry-go-round, as well as a raffle and lucky dip. It was altogether a sucessful event and it raised funds for our charity, which of course helps people with MS by offering to do Gardening, Decoration and other DIY type jobs. We alse make regulare donations to the BrAMS Centre based in the Brain Cente at Southmead Hospital.
Thank you and well done to Christine and everyone who made the event a great sucess
Furniture Donation
MS Peoples Help are pleased to say that we have donated Rest Room Furniture and a Coffee Table to Four Town & Vale Link Community Transport. They are a great local registered charity and wish them all the best for the future.
We always need volunteers to work in the
We have a van and volunteers who can pick up donations or deliver items that you buy. There is just a very small charge for fuel.
Can you help?
MS Peoples Help make donation to BrAMS
Shaun McCarthy (Chairman) and Roger Wall (MS Peoples Help Shops Manager and Treasurer) Started the charity 17 years ago and offer free help to people with MS in Bristol, South Glos and N/Somerset by carrying out general DIY in the garden and home. Now Christine Wall, Trustee and Voluntary shop manager works in the shops and arranges new stock and carries out a great deal of ironing. We offer a much used service and build wheelchair ramps, repair fencing, do general gardening, decorating and many other jobs for people you have Multiple Sclerosis (MS). We also make donations to the leading BrAMS Centre at Southmead Hospital and on Saturday16th May met with Doctor Cottrell at our charity shops in Thornbury to donate £5,000 to the BrAMS Centre. Doctor Cottrell thanked us for our help and the funds will go help people with the illness. BrAMS offer New existing and new Treatments, Drug trials, Research, a team off leading Specialist Consultant Doctors, MS Specialist Nurses, Physiotherapist and a Psychologist. a big thank you to all donate items to our charity and to those of you who buy at the shops.
You can help by offering to work as a volunteer in our shops, or organise a fund raising event, we can help you with that, just call Roger at the shop on 01454 418144 or 07931579987email rwall700@gmail.com or come in to see us, Thank you
The Furniture shop is going very well, if it's in good condition, please donate your furniture so that we can help people with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) We have a large van and so we can collect your donations, Thank you.
Maybe you can help?
Unit 13, St Marys Street, Thornbury BS35 2BH Tel 01454 418144
Reg. Charity N0 1098090
The shop helps us to raise funds to help people with MS to get DIY type work done in the home and garden.
If you have any furniture, clothing, bric-a-brac or anything else that you think we can sell in the shop, please give us call or call in and see us, we can collect.
What we can do in the garden
General gardening and creating low maintenance gardens.
Grass cutting and borders Raised borders so that wheelchair users and those with walking problems can help attend to the garden. Ramps, Security lights. Fit and repair fencing. Also other DIY jobs that may be needed
In the home General decorating, usually painting walls, ceiling & woodwork. Putting-up shelves, Fitting an intercom or door lock ï‚· Fitting grab rails, Plus other odd jobs, ask, if we can’t do it we will saye accessible, brighter home and garden.
We started MSPH 17 years ago after two of us who have MS had learned that a service was needed to help people to get DIY type work done in the home and garden.
Can you help in the MSPH Shop?
The MSPH shop is our lifeline, we always need volunteers to help in our shop. We sell Clothes, bric-a-and if you can offer a few hours per week to serve customers and label goods, please help if you can, call us on 01454 418144 or email rwall700@gmail.com
Helping us helps us to raise funds to help people with MS to have a safer, more accessible, brighter home and garden. -
Contact 01454 418144 e mail mspeopleshelp@yahoo.co.uk
Over 100,000 people have MS and we do our best to help people in South Gloucester & part of North Bristol when wean.
Depending on your circumstances and the work that you need help with, we try to help, although we ask you to please be patient and try to understand that we may not always have a volunteer in your area, but will always try to find one to carryout your work.
If you or someone you know has MS and can no longer carryout jobs and maybe can’t afford to pay a company for jobs which need doing around the home and garden, please call us for an application form, we will then arrange for someone to look a the needed job and we will hopefully be able to help.
There is no charge for the service that we offer, but ask if possible you pay for or towards materials used and perhaps make a donation, thank you. -
To donate items to sell in the shop, please bring it to us or call the shop and we can pick it up.
We have helped hundreds of people and want to continue to help more. Without our your help with volunteering or donating items to the shop we couldn't help so many people and so please help if you can.
Stephanie Ruse
Do you accept paperback books?
Celia Olson
I started on MS Herbal Treatment from Kycuyu Health Clinic, the herbal treatment immensely helped my Multiple Sclerosis condition, i had huge improvements. Go to kycuyuhealthclinic. com.
please answer the phone
Our philosophy is to provide quality assessment services and product demonstrations that help individuals live their lives to the full and our dedication and knowledge can help them achieve this. We b
Stephen Walker
Comment by: <a href="http://mymultiplesclerosis.co.uk/stephen-walker-old-man-ms/">Stephen Walker</a>
Hi MS People,
Volunteers do a fantastic job.
I wish I was able to help, but SPMS stops me.
Please sponsor Callum Wall, who is running the Bristol/Bath Marathon on 25th October
Hope MS People's Help gets the support to continue. Thank you.
June Johns
A great Fun Day, it was brilliant
Anita Hathway. 01454 418189
I have a corner unit and dining room table (large enough for 8 to sit around) both in excellent condition. Would you like them? I also have 6 chairs, a couple are rickety. Maybe you can repair?